Monday, January 30, 2012

Homeless in Hawaii

The search continues on. We have now been looking for an apartment for five days with no luck. They are either too far away from Landry's job, over our price range(which started out high we thought), or in a very scary area. After staying in a hotel four nights a couple from church offered to take us in and we gladly excepted. They had company already and we planned on sleeping in their living room on our air mattress(thank you Heather and Caleb). Anything to save some bucks, because staying every night in a hotel our money was leaving quickly. "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head." Matthew 8:20 This verse has a lot more meaning to me right now. I obviously have no clue how Jesus felt. We haven't even been searching for a week but I now feel as if in some small way I can empathize with him. Before the Booker's took us into their home I was starting to get concerned at how long this could go on. We can't keep paying for a hotel and we need to find a place before Landry starts to work. Jesus stayed with different people as he traveled and I think there was a good reason behind it. Tonight will be our second night with this family and I already feel so close with them just simply because they have opened up their home to us. They have fixed two meals for us and made us feel as if we were family not strangers. What amazing Christian examples they are to me. Before this experience, Landry sometimes would ask for people to stay at our one bedroom apartment in Nashville and I often said no I think its too small and they will have to sleep on the couch. But now my mind has defiantly changed. I want to be more hospitable to people.What better way to show others God's love than to welcome them into your home. We went to church again today at Pearl Harbor Church of Christ and I was so encouraged. This congregation is made up of primarily military families(probably 80%). One family was moving to another place, which is very common as most families stay 2-4 years and then there are all new families that come in. As we sang love one another everyone went to the front to say goodbye and hug the family. There were lots of tears and I had to really try to hold mine in(since it is strange because I've never even met the family). It just amazes me how quickly the love of Christ unites people. I am so excited to be getting involved with this new congregation. It is very different with lots of people coming and going, but there are no clicks. Everyone just loves each other and tries to help each other because we are in the minority as Christians here in Hawaii and we need each other. My prayer today is to invite others into my home often no matter how big or small or nice. 

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